1106 Sherwood Forest St
Houston, TX 77043
As many know, ECE has been developing Worx Plugins for purpose for almost 20 years for industrial process plant design and information systems. These tools have helped countless companies enhance workflows and methods within both AutoCAD® Plant 3D and CADWorx®.
This afternoon workshop will focus on showcasing how these tools can help take the busy out of your day!
During this hands-on session, participants will be given WorxProjects. This collection of AutoCAD® Plant 3D and CADWorx® projects are related Worx Plugin sample templates.
This workshop will cover:
- MTOSnapshots with MTOWorx
- ISOCreate with ISOWorx
- Ortho views with VIEWWorx
- Dynamic bubbling and annotating with BUBBLEWorx and ANNOWorx
- and a bonus round with ATTEWorx, our Ultimate Block Attribute Editor!
Laptops will be provided with AutoCAD® Plant 3D and the Worx Plugins already loaded.
Depending on attendance, we may ask to ‘buddy’ up with a colleague to ensure everyone has a chance to put their hands on the software.
If you’re not technical on the CAD side, but still want to learn more, feel free to just come to watch and ask questions.