VIEWWorx helps users create layout drawings by picking what is to be detailed.
Named and Line Number viewports selecting objects to be included.
Adjusting views is accomplished by simply stretching WorxBoxes around content. Every WorxBox face can be easily scaled and inserted on detailing layouts.
Complete layout tagging, labeling, and materials marking with ANNOWorx and BUBBLEWorx.

VIEWWorx makes creating plan, elevation, and section drawings easy by inserting WORXBoxes.

Users pick 3D objects and they are surrounded by Named Views. They are inserted into layout drawings detailing plans, elevations, sections, and isometric views.
Creating drawings with one or more layout views is automated by setting templates and scaling methods.

Using the piping route name, or line number, VIEWWorx automatically inserts a WORXBox around them. They adopt the line number and are listed so users can select one or more to produce detailed drawings that remain connected to the 3D models.
Orthographic and isometric views are possible because every WORXBox face and every isometric perspective can be placed on templates used to produce drawing files.

It’s a perfect solution for detailing pipe supports, instrumentation bridles, and more.
All details views remain live with XREF drawing files.