LINKWorx highlights, or traces, piping routes by linking to their line numbers. It inserts SOCKETWorx hyperlinks on drawing symbols to produce smart PDF files. It links CADWorx PLANT components to P&ID databases and all the smart symbol libraries.
Most users are solving problems associated with keeping critical drawings like process hazard analysis and inspection circuit diagrams current with the latest P&ID drawings. Couple this with smarter CAD Blocks and hyperlinks to critical data and LINKWorx is helping to satisfy drafting and informational requirements
LINKWorx is integrated into the DIAGRAMS Project palette.
The Tracing tab lists all the route tables and their fields.
Automatically highlights route segments and symbols with common attributes
Set to improve drafting quality, inspect content, and generate graphical reports.
Activate by simply adding AutoCAD PLANT 3D project fields.
BUBBLEWorx automatically adds hyperlinks to every bubble inserted.
Hyperlinks set the infrastructure to collect data, associate documents and great geotags.
Set to improve drafting quality, inspect content, and generate graphical reports.
Many Worx Plugins insert identification markers, tags and lables.
DIAGRAMS routes, symbols, and groups can be hyperlinked
BUBBLEWorx BOM, WELD, and TAG bubbles can be hyperlinked
SOCKETWorx hyperlinks expose data, documents, work orders, and geotags in digital twins.
Publish smart PDF files that take users to Asset
Use Cases
Most often Process and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) drawings are mandatory documents so why not use them for other purposes.
LINKWorx can be used to manually, or automatically, highlight piping routes and associated symbols. Every group can be uniquely illustrated by color, line type, and line thickness.
People are highlighting P&IDs all the time for one purpose or another. Most often this is accomplished on paper copies, or CAD copies, rendering their efforts out of date with ‘master’ P&IDs. Herein lies one major issue!
LINKWorx solves the problem of keeping highlights synchronized with master P&ID drawings because the highlighting can be accomplished via CAD on a companion drawing dedicated to highlighting. In CAD terms, LINKWorx can highlight P&IDs when inserted as an External Reference (XREF).
Time and cost savings are realized when master P&IDs change and companion drawings like integrity management PHA System, Inspection Circuit, and Line Classification diagrams update automatically.
A process hazard analysis (PHA), or evaluation, is one of the most important elements of the process safety management program.
LINKWorx is helping companies organize their PHA efforts by highlighting process systems on their P&ID drawings which have potential hazards associated with the processing or handling of highly hazardous chemicals.
Generally, P&ID drawings have multiple systems on them and they often span across multiple drawings. Highlighting helps identify each system by color. Each system might have a different PHA method, so the color could be used to identify the method applied. LINKWorx can be deployed to satisfy these two classification scenarios and many more because users simply establish categories for them.
Inspection systems, or circuits, are nothing new, but companies have the toughest time keeping these critical documents current with their P&ID drawings.
Companies generally are set up so the technical services or CAD department has ownership of P&IDs drawings. The inspection department obtains a copy and highlights it either in CAD or on paper.
Herein lies the problem. Companies are maintaining two records and the inspection circuit diagrams become obsolete before it’s issued.
LINKWorx solves this problem by linking ‘master’ P&ID drawings with their companion inspection circuit drawing. Linking them guarantees the inspection circuit drawing is identical to the P&IDs.
After they are linked, LINKWorx is used to data drive the inspection circuit highlighting.
Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) programs are mandatory under federal regulations. There is some latitude on LDAR program content, but it is fair to state that the unique identification of every valve, pump, or process asset that can leak is a mandatory requirement.
It’s also fair to say that P&ID drawings are mandatory whenever volatile organic compounds are being contained.
So, why not use P&ID drawings as a foundation for Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) programs?
LINKWorx can be deployed to highlight piping routes and inline components which are included in LDAR programs.
Companies are using LINKWorx to highlight P&IDs for:
- design status
- isometric drawing status
- construction status
- turn around planning
- pipe stress systems
- P&ID drafting quality control
- line classifications
- next inspection date
Just think about how it can be used to visualize scope problems.
LINKWorx embeds hyperlinks on CAD Blocks so they integrate with SOCKETWorx.
If a valve symbols, or instrumentation bubbles, tagging annotation, etc. are CAD Blocks, they could be linked to a database records, datasheets, and associated PDF files.
After publishing drawing files with embedded hyperlinks, smarter PDF files are delivered and ready for the SOCKETWorx PDF Viewer.
LINKWorx helps CAD administrators streamline the tasks associated with making CAD block symbols ‘smarter’. It allows them to make global changes instead of changes one by one. This greatly reduces the time spent on creating and refining symbols. It helps make sure the symbol setup is consistent across many variables like text, layers, visibility, etc.
Quickly make the following changes to your symbol library blocks:
- Text Style
- Text Height
- Text Width
- Visibility
- Color
- Layer