Intergraph Webinar: The Power of CADWorx and CAESAR II bi-directional link
with Bill Shipley, ECE Design
Date: January 22, 2015
Time: 10:00AM CST
Duration: 30 min
Cost: free eSeminar
Intergraph CADWorx Plant Professional and CAESAR II share a unique bi-directional link that allows piping design information to be shared without data loss.
In just 30 minutes, learn how, by leveraging the work done by designers, engineers can save up to 70% of the time it takes to perform the analysis.
Discover also how designers can quickly review and incorporate any routing and support changes made due to analysis — saving even more time and drastically reducing errors.
Speaker bio:
Bill Shipley has been with ECE Design for over four years working as a Technical Sales Application Specialist. His background includes 15 years of piping experience in 3D Plant Design using AutoCAD & CADWorx.